There seems to have been a lot of talk and confusion about the introduction of another Dexter registry but it is all very simple really. You get what you pay for!
I am doubtful that many livestock breeders would prefer an association that does not have an elected council nor the privacy and security of an independent third party database and registrar provider. Where members “own” other members private details, database and registry there is a conflict of interest that thinking breeders would consider compromising. Many DCAI members have animals on private share contract and/or private lease contracts. I doubt many members would want the details of those agreements to be held in the ownership of other members who by nature of that membership have a vested interests.
DCAI is our registry of choice because it does NOT have:
- a self-appointed board of anonymous directors who are locked into management for 5 years and more
- data, transactions, lease arrangements and share contracts becoming the property of other members who have a vested interest
- registration of first cross cattle diluting the advanced level of purity that we have been able to achieve by previously closing the DCAI Herdbook to further introgression
Several DCAI Members have already had enquiries for Dexter livestock, semen and embryos from South America, Eastern Block Europe, Middle Eastern states, and USA. DCAI registered herds have gained respect and credibility at the international level but the re-introduction of first cross Dexter female registration could mar the reputation of all Australian Dexters at a time when we are moving towards becoming an acceptable source of livestock and genetics for international export. I believe we should differentiate between DCAI registered Dexters and HDCRA registered Dexters at every opportunity so that we do not lose the respect we have gained internationally for our national Dexter herd since closing the DCAI herd-book.
DCAI Data which is stored on ABRI database is copyrighted to DCAI. Anybody else will contravene copyright if they use DCAI data that does not belong to them without permission. They will also contravene copyright if they parent verify animals at UniQuest to DNA data that does not belong to them.
HDCRA is not approvable as an Approved Dexter Association. Despite the dramatic claims, HDCRA registered Dexters are not acceptable for registration with DCAI unless those Dexters meet the exact same membership and regulation requirements as stated in the DCAI Herdbook Regulations.
The list of overseas “Approved Dexter Associations” in the Herdbook Regulations are those that were specifically designated to be overseas sources for Dexter animals and/or genetic material which could be imported to Australia upon which to build, expand and refresh a national Australian Dexter herd. HDCRA does not have any unique genetics that DCAI members can’t otherwise readily access, either domestically or abroad, and it is not an overseas association.
DCAI Members can maintain a healthy gene pool by respecting and encouraging the differences in breeding choices and strategies practised by our fellow members who are producing different families and types of Dexter cattle that range within the breed ideals and guidelines. So long as we keep an educated eye on duality, health and structure, and so long as we don’t all succumb to the same latest breeding fad-of-the-day simultaneously, DCAI Dexters will thrive, and may all DCAI breeders prosper!
Wagra Dexters
DCAI Member #10136